Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Two Birds With One Stone.

I Forgot to post a blog on Monday night because I had a friend over ad was bu-zay.
Anyway, the new things of Monday was a) microwaving a new pastie and b)eating log for breakfast.
Today I did 'the crab' in a park. I didn't want to because there were people around and I was all :| but then I realised I had this blog to do, and let go of my inhibitions and did it anyway. Yay for me.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Joker/Midnight Toker.

Today I joked with the customers at work, which is a little bit lame that this was the first time, but usually they're all angry and all "I WANT CHIPS". Actually that only happened once.
A couple I was serving were discussing whether or not they should order more. The wife wanted another piece of fish and the husband was saying "We always order too much here"... at which point I said "Oh, we don't mind!" and laughed heartily. And they smiled, so I think they are NICE.
I had a little chuckle also when I went to serve some people ice cream, and I pretended I was a surgeon and donned my gloves in a surgeon-y way, with flicking and such, but either the customers didn't think it was funny or they didn't get it, both of which are just as likely as the other.
Following my workmate's beating, he's been disallowed the joy of laughing. We got onto the subject of broken bones and after detailing the many bones he has broken as the result of thrill seeking accidents I jokingly tutted saying, "You should drink more calcium." He didn't laugh. So for the sake of his injuries it's lucky I'm so unfunny.

Another sintilating scenario.

Ooh. Alliteration. Tasty. (Spot the theme of today - not to say these posts have had themes before)
Anyhoodle, today I made a sausage roll. I have never undertaken such a task before but I haven't had a sausage roll since I was a meat eater, which was a long time ago, and vegie sausages are kinda bland. This was a success though, I will do it again, possibly for my fellow vegetarian sister.
Speaking of blandness, I should really hop to it and do something exciting, so's to make this blog a little more exciting. *throws paprika at screen* Spicy.
Just kidding, I don't have any paprika, which is unfortunate because I needed some the other day. And besides, I haven't done that before, so it would best to save that for a day I haven't done anything exciting.
It's funny how I automatically think of Johnny Depp seasoning his armpits with paprika in Pirates of the Carribean 3. teeeheee.
Unfortunately (as I was telling my Mam today - HI MAM. If you managed to google this...) this whole "do something new everyday" thang is giving me URGES. (Enjoy that awkward noun).
URGES, such as poking my fellow Fish 'n' Chippery worker's right cheek, which as of Thursday night is massively swollen. Poor lad got beaten up at a train station and can only remember turning around before waking up in hospital. Perhaps people should stop beating up other people.
Go! Chew on that.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Raaaaad risk taking.

Ahem. *false advertising*
Today I walked the entirety of my street... I DIDN'T KNOW HOW LONG IT WAS! Granted it wasn't *googles longest street in the world*... Yonge Street (heh heh heh product placement), but still, it had this crazy bit where I thought it had ended, but it hadn't! Crazy. Just crazy.
While walking alongside the river I saw a really dodgy dock. Well, more of a plank of wood connected to a pillar sticking out of the river. It's my intention to balance my way out to this pillar :D. and get photographic proof, for y'all not reading this blog. heh heh.
I've never gone running in the dark, that'll be another one. LOOK FORWARD TO IT YO.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

'Ello Pilgrams.

Velcome to my blog.
I'm here to document my New Years Resolution of doing something different everyday, because Jackson told me to.
It's a belated NY resolution because I only just thought of it.
I imagine that these "new" things could range from small (using a different brand of...oh wait I always use the cheapest version of everything. hmm...) to something big like moving to a new suburb.
Yesterday after I went for a run (*flexes muscle*) and went to rest in a park afterward. There I stumbled upon a swing set and ahh went for a swing. It was fun. Except one guy stared at me for too long and I didn't like it. It was also the first time I used a swing set that had the chains covered in plastic. It made me think that councils are turning modern kiddies into wusses. I never complained about holding onto bare metal, I just enjoyed the breezy breeze.
Today for the first time I completed the parallel bars at the park. I've failed at this so many times before, but this time I had a secret weapon.
...while waiting for dodgey pages to load, I used my nice big office chair to do L-sits.
Who knows what tomorrow will be, but I suspect it will be reading a book I haven't read before all the way through. The last time I did that was the 7th Harry Potter book. That was a little different because I had a bit more practise in reading then... only time will tell if I can execute this task.
11:11! Make a wish!